Do you remember Alessia Malvestio?
Today in LEAS we met with Alessia to talk about her second book.
Breve come la notte is my first novel written together with another author.
It is a romance, but also and above all a coming-of-age novel, in which the protagonist, during the narration, has a personal growth, she begins to understand life, what she wants to do, who she really is and to ask herself questions that she did not use to ask herself before. And it all happens overnight. With this book we faced a new challenge: writing in two is different from writing alone, the fact of working in a team, making yourself available to the other, listening to the opinions and advice of the other person, being proactive and working together to achieve the goal leads to great results. In writing but in everyday life too.
Alessia Malvestio
Il libro è disponibile in libreria e secondo noi potrebbe essere un pensiero assolutamente gradito da far trovare sopra al comodino a San Valentino!