Leas Talent: interview to Diego Bellato

2 Maio 2024

Diego has always had a passion for music, but it was twenty years ago that he discovered that he was passionate about one particular musical instrument: the electric bass.

It is with the purchase of his first bass that he begins his adventure, initially not without difficulties that however do not intimidate him and do not distract him from his dream.

One of Diego's dreams was also to be able to touch important stages, venues that hosted American and international bands of great depth, places that Diego saw as far away, unreachable, but that thanks to his great commitment, dedication and stubbornness have become reality for him: places where today the public enters to listen to the notes of his bass and Orion,  the band to which Diego has belonged since 2012.

"The passion for music is a passion, but it becomes a commitment when you start doing it for twenty years. There are a lot of things that you have to fit together, you have to be methodical, you have to plan your life according to the commitments you have made. You have to be able to overcome the difficulties that arise from the technical difficulty on stage, to the difficulty of understanding with the other members of the group" Diego tells us "the Orion of 2000 are totally different from the Orion of 2024 and probably in the future the Orion will be different from the Orion of 2024."

Diego Bellato

We asked Diego what are the parallels he finds in this great passion of his and in his work:

"Collaborate with other people, have goals that maybe someone doesn't perceive as such at the moment and bring the people you work with in a group with you and dedicated to the work, set achievable goals (...) It's the evolution that happens in companies and if we think about the audience, we have an audience that is our customer, so we play to have fun, yes, but the band continues to play if people go to see it and consequently the company continues to sell if it satisfies the customer and if you are in one direction: with a view to pleasing the customer."

Diego Bellato


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